
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Would You Rather...Mismatched Chairs

We've made some progress on our first Would You Rather... poll. This little guy just needs a piece of glass then he's ready for show! Thanks again for all of your feedback!

printers press table

This week's Would You a trend I am currently obsessed with: mismatched chairs in a dining area. Back in November, I offered tips on creating an eclectic dining room. And, I created this Etsy treasury of some of my favorite seats from Etsy sellers.

So, my question to you this week is a simple one: Would you rather have an eclectic mix of chairs around your favorite dining area? Or, do you prefer a matching set?

Head on over to Facebook and let us know (or leave a comment). To spice things up this week, I'll be doing a drawing from all those who vote and giveaway a pair of my favorite vintage wine hankie gift bags. You know you want one...


  1. I love my mismatched chairs. I found two black chairs with dirty, padded seats about a year ago at Goodwill. $10 for both, score! I found some adorable duck cloth, one in a blue H pattern and the other a red brocade, and recovered them. They are the one thing in my house that everyone comments on. I love them!

  2. I would prefer mismatched chairs, however I am sure the hubs would prefer matching chairs. So, we would probably have mismatched chairs ;)
