
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Playing Around with Mustard Seed Yellow Milk Paint

The countdown is on...28 days until we close on our house. And, I have no less than five pieces of furniture to paint and seven chairs to recover. First up, this sideboard. Here it is in it's natural state.

It's from my mother-in-law and I painted it for the first time last year (painted sideboard reveal). At the time, in blended in with our walls and decor. I was only a little thrilled with it.

Now that we are moving into a new space, we are trying to work in some color. We've gone back and forth on palettes. Our first purchase was a navy, velvet couch. Next up, an earthy, green chair and blue/natural chevron rug. We contemplated orange for an accent color. Or, purple. Finally, we settled on yellow. Miss Mustard Seed Yellow to be more specific.

Mustard Seed Yellow

 Mustard Seed Yellow

Since this paint is know for it's unpredictable chippiness and I didn't want any of the former finish to come through, I gave it a coat of paint. (Oh...and stripped the top).

 Also, since I am totally impatient, I painted it almost immediately with the milk paint. This ensued...

In some areas, the milk paint stripped the paint right down to the original finish. In other cases, it stripped off the last coat I put on, down to the coat I hoped to hide. In all cases, it took off the last coat I put on (I'm guessing I didn't let it cure long enough?). Lesson learned.

Here's what I was left with. I did no distressing. Just flaked off the chips and gave it a coat of dark wax:

Mustard Seed Yellow Sideboard

Here's a look with the newly stained top (please forgive me for the poor lighting).

Miss Mustard Seed Yellow
Miss Mustard Seed Yellow

Miss Mustard Seed Yellow
Miss Mustard Seed Yellow
Miss Mustard Seed Yellow

 Miss Mustard Seed Yellow

The wax deepened and darkened the yellow and I love it. It will be the very first thing you see when you walk in our new house...I can't wait to move it in!

Linking to:
Wow Us Wednesdays


  1. Mustard Yellow Goodness!! Its perfect!! :-)

    1. Thanks Laurie! I'm a big mustard yellow fan now!

  2. this is lovely! you did a great job.

  3. It turned out amazing. I love the process, so unpredictable but somehow perfect results ;)

  4. Loving this chippy piece!!! Beautiful! Am your newest follower....yea!!
