
Friday, December 13, 2013

Righting a Wrong

When it came to our dining room table, I had a vision. I knew what I wanted it to look like. At the time, I didn't want to paint it and stripping it was out of the question (I try to avoid that at all costs. I'm very impatient). I sanded a little...but, it pretty much remained that same.

So, I just went ahead anyway and applied liming wax, and ended up with this:

I wasn't entirely happy with it. It remained in the garage until about a month ago when we moved. Now, I see it every day. I glare at it. Sometimes I call it names. I had to do something.

First, I added some dark wax to the top. It covered and cleaned up the liming wax quite nicely. It's not back to it's original state, but it looks much better. You can see the difference in the pic below.

Then, I painted it. I used the Mustard Seed Yellow again from MMSMP. I've painted one other piece this color and it was a nice way to introduce yellow in another area of hour house (it also goes well with the chairs we painted and recovered). I didn't get much chipping at all, but areas sanded off really easily with a sanding pad.

Mustard Seed Yellow
Mustard Seed Yellow | Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint

Mustard Seed Yellow

Sooo much better! We'll be changing out the rug eventually, but it fits our home so much better now. Which is one of the things I love about painting furniture. It's ok if your original vision doesn't turn out as planned. Just pick up a brush and try again!

Mustard Seed Yellow

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