
Monday, October 1, 2012

Strange Folk: How Do I Love Thee?

I don't think it's possible to even count the reasons why Strange Folk was awesome. This was our first show and I was told many times that this was the best of the best. It would ruin us for other shows. I have a feeling they were right.

We were so excited to be there. Our little tent was jam packed all weekend. My throat is still sore from talking so much! We loved sharing our tables, vintage finds and other handcrafted items with other people. And actually have them like it...and buy it! Some of my favorite things found new homes -- which is awesome. We were exhausted at the end of the first day...but, totally pumped to do it all over again for day two.

It's hard to put yourself out there for other people. For judgement! Everything we make or find is something we truly love. Our items are things we would want in our home. And, we hope other people do, too. I get very attached to the things we find and create. Take this little guy:

He didn't find a home this weekend. That's ok. I'm not entirely sure I was ready to part with him, anyway. He got alot of praise and pats on the back. Had someone wanted to buy him, I probably would have run a background check.

I'm not kidding.

We didn't have alot of time to visit other's just a few of the pics we snapped. Starting with Booth #206 (which I'm a little partial to):

Every booth was so uniquely amazing. The music was great. The gyros and cupcakes kept us fueled thru the busy days. Don't even get me started on the $3 beers. If you like jewelry -- this is the place to be! I could have spent a paycheck on the awesome necklaces and rings. Here's a few of our fave booths (and doesn't even cover ALL of the incredible vendors):

Everyone worked so hard to put this together. Not just the event organizers, volunteers and sponsors, but the vendors, too. I know we were up late. Painting, tagging and adding last minute additions to our tent. 

To have people ask if we have a retail store is unbelievable. That's our dream. We feel very fortunate to be in a community that supports that dream. At the end of both days, we were exhausted and collapsing on the couch. The feedback we got from everyone is what will keep us going for the next year. But, we would do it all over again...and we hope we can in 2013!

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